Sunday, April 25, 2010

Farewell to Fall and Winter

So, I'm sitting in Brittany's new dorm as she unpacks the MILLIONS of new things she accumulated these past few days, and its been making me think about this past two semesters. I guess I always get a little sentimental at the end of something when change is about to happen because even just seeing my dorm and my room completly empty almost made me tear up.
Fall and Winter semesters were a lot of fun, even though I am very glad to have those classes over with. There were the pranks, the dancing (for me--Christmas around the world and getting my head kicked open. story for another time), Brittany's RHA conferences (stories for another blog time Brittany?), friend's visting, apartment hunting for next fall, lots of birthday parties, and... um.....hmmm..... wasn't there more? Well whatever, sorry if we missed something big but both mine and Brittany's minds are drawing a blank. But it was fun nonetheless!

This past week has been insane. What with finals finishing, packing all our crap, saying goodbye to friends we won't see for a long time :( moving, and long hours at work, idk about Brittany but I am so tired. And guess what?? The new term starts this Tuesday... fun stuff
The night Matthew was leaving, Alyssa, him, Brittany, and I had a Martinellis celebration in honor of finals ending and people leaving.

After a lot of all the crazy stuff, Brittany, Bri (semi-roommate from these past semesters), Teddy and I got the chance to relax a little and go to the mall.

Even though Teddy, Eric, Alyssa, all our roommates except a few are gone, this next few terms have promise. What new memories will we make? What is my new off campus housing going to be like with a new roommate (yeah, Brittany has left me for 4 months. grr)? How is Brittany going to like her new job? How often will we all see each other? Is Sterling ever going to show up after Mattew leaves in June? we go!

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