Monday, April 19, 2010

In lovely procrastination

So, I'm totally supposed to be studying for geography for my final that is in about 7 1/2 hours, but I really have no motivation to. I'll pass the class and so for whatever reason I have the hardest time caring (sorry mom, if you're reading this. I promise I'll still study tonight and do well...)

Anyways, since it is midnight thirty, and Brittany is fast asleep cause she's the good student like that and I'm the insomniac (spelling??), I thought now would be the perfect time to tell you all about my dear friend Carl.

Brittany has provided my late nights with much humor even after she is unconscience, due to her alter-ego, Carl. She talks, giggles, grunts and twitches in her sleep a lot! Sometime she will wake up and it won't be her though---it's some deep, gruffy voiced version of Brittany that glares at me and makes me afraid for my life! After multiple times of this happening in the middle of the night and in the early morning when she first wakes up, I decided to give this other side of Brittany a name, and Carl was officially born!
(Don't worry Brittany, I cropped off the bottom half of the picture)

Sightings are rare and I am usually the only one priviledged to meet Carl, but our friend Ben Wright has seen him awaken shortly at around 7:45am when she just crawled out of bed.

One night, I was up late reading and studying for geography (hey! much like I will be doing tonight!) and I was sitting in my desk chair, but facing my bed, away from Brittany. Because of the amount of intense studying I was doing....*cough*... I didn't notice Carl turn over in the bed at all and next thing I know, he's yelling "What?!" at me, peeking out from under Brittany's eye cover she sleeps with, not moving a muscle but just staring at me. Creepiest thing ever!! It scared the crap outta me, all I could do was laugh! At that, Carl blinked, glared some more, and asked again, "What??" so through nervous giggles, I asked what back. "Didn't you say something to me??" " I've barely even been moving so I didn't even make any noise" "Really??" "yeah...I'm sorry?" "Hmmmm....*mumble**grumble*" and he rolled over and went back to sleep. In the morning, I asked Brittany if she remembered that. Not at all.

That's another thing about Carl: he comes and goes without his host body even knowing he was there! She never remembers anything I say that she does, and I think she still wouldn't believe me to this day if Ben hadn't gotten that sighting of Carl as well.

One more story, then I'll end this long post. Another night, I was again up late studying (pretty sure it was geography again. man I can't wait to get this class out of the way!) when I see out of the corner of my eye Brittany sit up quickly, reach for something invisible, and smack her hand on the shelves just above her bed, when Carl yelled out "Crap! Ouch!" When I started laughing, he glared at me again (he must really hate me, he always glares...) and I asked what he was doing, Carl grunted as he laid back down, "I thought something was falling..." I told him, no, nothing moved and asked if he was ok. That's when I thought Brittany was waking up enough to be Brittany again because her voice was getting less gruffy and back to its beautiful self, so I asked, "Are you going to remember this in the morning?" Carl/Brittany laughed a little and said maybe and went back to sleep. Morning came. No recollection whatsoever.

I love my roommate :)


1 comment:

  1. I hope we meet you someday, Heather. You are great! We have met your "Carl". Too Funny. Brittany's Mom and Dad =]
